Just how long will it take to get a Tin Tin 2?

was released back in 2011. Steven Spielberg directed the first movie, which was also produced by Lord Of The Ringsdirector, Peter Jackson. At the time, it was announced that Spielberg would direct the first film, and Jackson would handle the second film. With there being no news on the sequel in quite sometime, fans were starting to wonder if the movie would ever happen at all.
Spielberg has been busy promoting his latest film, Ready Player One where he was asked about the status of the Tintin sequel. “Peter Jackson has to do the second part. Normally, if all goes well, he will soon start working on the script,” he said via ComingSoon“As it takes two years of animation work on the film, for you, I would not expect to see it for about three years. But Peter will stick to it. Tintin is not dead!”

Back in 2013 Spielberg said that the script for the sequel was finished, and was rumored to feature two of the classic Hergé Tintin books Prisoners of the Sunand The Seven Crystal Balls, but if Jackson needs to work on the script that could have changed. While Spielberg mentions that it would take three years to complete the film, there has been no mention of a production date.

You can catch Ready Player One when it hits theaters on March 29, 2018.


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